What does Taint mean?
A reference to the area of the body between the anus and the scrotum or vulva. Also known as the perineum.Other definitions of Taint:
- The area between the butthole and the genitals. Called so because "It ain't your ass, and it ain't your {Insert Genital Preference Here}", which sounds like "T'aint your...".
- That spot of skin between the balls and arsehole. May be stimulated for sexual pleasure.
- Part of your body that is between your asshole and your other privates. May be called Gooch or Grundle as well.
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How to use the term
When you say taint, are you referring to the perineum?
Please stop saying taint. It sounds ridiculous and a little bit dirty.
You can indirectly stimulate the prostate via the perineum, or taint.
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