What does Camel Toe mean?

A reference to a women's pants being too tight or pulled to high, and their genitalia being visible and looking like a camel's toe.

Camel Toe

Other definitions of Camel Toe:

  • When someone's pants, typically a woman, are too tight around the crotch and their labia become visible.
  • When tight or ill-fitting pants cause a woman's pussy lips to become visible. Visually similar to a camel's toe cleft.
  • The unfortunate, usually unintentional display of female genitalia that occurs when tight pants ride up.

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How to use the term
Camel Toe:

  • Whoa, you've got some serious camel toe coming through.

  • I was so embarrassed during the job interview when I noticed I had camel toe.

  • Yoga pants has made the camel toe probability raise significantly.

Video related to Camel Toe


Camel Tame - Saturday Night Live

  • A TV Show that mentions "Camel Toe."
  • A brief skit about a device that helps women prevent camel toe in various situations. The joke is that the device provide such ample support, almost too much.

  • Check it Out

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