What does WAP mean?
Refers to a Wet A**-Pu**y, rhymes with "Mop"Other definitions of WAP:
- Wet-Ass Pussy
- Wet and Gushy
- Rarely means "without a paddle"; notes how out of luck one is. Related to the phrase "Up a creek, without a paddle".
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How to use the term
Give me everything you got for this WAP.
"Now get a bucket and a mop
That's some wet ass pussy
I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP
That's some wet ass pussy"
-Cardi B
Video related to WAP
WAP - Cardi B Feat. Megan Thee Stallion
- A Song that mentions "WAP."
Lead single from Cardi B released on August 6, 2020. Two American rappers, Cardi and Megan, discuss their privates (WAP) and several sexual innuendos.
- Check it Out
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Pulled directly out of my ass
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Je t'aime (I love you)
laughing your f**king a** off