What does egirl mean?

Short for "electronic girl" and refers to a member of an online youth culture that emerged in the late 2010s.


Other definitions of egirl:

  • An "electronic girl", a fashion/lifestyle trend with various aspects relating to skater, goth, hip-hop, and anime culture (as well as others). Often these members are very active on social media platforms, including Twitter and TikTok.
  • A semi-cool, semi-cringe fashion movement in which young women adopt aesthetics from goth, hip-hop, anime, and internet culture.
  • Electronic girl, which is an updated Hot Topic look that has grown via the Internet on social media sites.

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How to use the term

  • Black and white clothing with vintage band shirts are a pretty good indicator of egirls.

  • Egirl is a lifestyle, not just what you wear.

  • I got one Death Note tattoo and a cool hoodie, and now I'm being called "egirl".


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More slang terms:


Slang term for a person who tries to flatter or suck up to their oppressors or someone above them.



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