What does Bootlicker mean?

Slang term for a person who tries to flatter or suck up to their oppressors or someone above them.

Other definitions of Bootlicker:

  • Kissing up or defending those above you, who are putting their boots on you and keeping you down. Weak-willed way try to elevate yourself, but often leads to more pain down the road.
  • An apologist who kisses the ass of the oppressors above them in a way to curry favor.
  • Licking refers to cleaning the boots that are currently keeping you down, A.K.A. kiss-assing the person, boss or manager, above you.

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How to use the term

  • Dude, you're such a bootlicker. Just admit it. They're not going to save you, though.

  • Don't be a boot-licker. Sure, do you part, but nobody likes a suck-up.

  • Have you ever met such a boot licker? Jeez, this guy is too much.

  • Never, ever have I met such a bootlicker. You lick them so hard, you've got some brown on your nose.


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