What does Noob mean?

A modified term for "newbie", which is a label for new players in many video games. Often used when such players are exhibiting novice behaviors.


Other definitions of Noob:

  • Short for "new-bie" or newcomer. It describes someone who is new.
  • From "newbie" or "newb", this Leetspeak term was popularized by early 90s video game culture and the military. Designates someone who is brand new to a game.
  • A newcomer — while somewhat derogatory, every player is at one time a noob.
  • Someone who is displaying new player behaviors.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Noob that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • They missed so many shots — what a noob!

  • You're such a noob. Have you never been here before?

  • It's brutal being a noob.

  • Newbie, noobie, or noob — you're so bad, you're all three.


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