What does TBH mean?
A slang initialism for for "To Be Honest"Other definitions of TBH:
- TBH is used in social media as a sign of a sincere comment. "TBH I think you're cute ;P" Sometimes people will make a post, offering "TBH for likes" as a sort of social media trade.
- to be honest; this acronym is most commonly used to emphasize ones opinion or emotion, used as a transtion
- To be hired - the acquisition of employment.
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How to use the term
tbh i think my girlfriend is cheating on me
I've always appreciated you TBH
tbh it makes me want to run for the mountains!
Look for the resume that has my initials and TBH written on it.
- A Website that mentions "TBH."
wiktionary definition of TBH
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