What does R-BOMB mean?

this is just for blackberry users, and since everyone uses iphones, you probably will never need to know this. blackberry messenger is called BBM. if someone doesn't respond to a message, they r-bombed the person who messaged them.


Other definitions of R-BOMB:

  • This used to be only for blackberry users but nowadays it's beginning to get popular with everyone. When someone reads a message, but doesn't reply to it. The person who send the message gets r bombed

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of R-BOMB that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Is Sara sending a picture of her dog? No, I messaged her and she r bombed me


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He Who Shall Not Be Named



A slang acronym that can stand for "Slime, Love, All the Time". The phrase began seeing use in rap songs when Atlanta rapper Young Thug began using it as an ad lib, similar to "drip" or "no cap".



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