What does Pee Pee mean?

Slang term for urine, the yellowish waste secretion from many mammals.

Other definitions of Pee Pee:

  • Another, "family-friendly" name for genitals, where pee is expelled.
  • Kid-friendly way to talk about urine or various sexual organs.
  • An infantilizing name for a man's penis, as it sounds like what a child would call their own penis.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Pee Pee that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
Pee Pee:

  • Does anybody need to pee pee before we hit the road? Long way before the next rest stop.

  • Get your pee pee out of that!

  • Ugh. I got kicked in the pee pee. OUCHIE.

  • Oh, baby. I bet you have a huge peepee, huh?


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