What does Booty Call mean?

A slang term for a request for sexual relations, often made late at night.

Booty Call

Other definitions of Booty Call:

  • A person that is called for some booty action. When this term is applied to a person, you are saying their relationship is for sexual congress and little else.
  • Calling up or messaging someone with the intent of hooking up and getting some booty.
  • Refers to starting a conversation in the hopes of sex. Often obvious, the summons can be welcomed or unwanted.
  • The start of conversation with a friend with benefits or sexual partner. Seeking the behind of the friend is where the term gets its name.

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How to use the term
Booty Call:

  • Wait a second. Is this a booty call?

  • Am I just a booty call to you? Because you sure are acting like it.

  • She texted me with a booty call last night. I ended up going over there.

  • The only game we're playing is Call of Booty with all these booty call he's sending my way.


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