What does no u mean?

A slang rebuttal that is universal, ending any argument it is used in.

no u

Other definitions of no u:

  • A refusal that is quickly followed by an accusation that whatever was said before is actually true of the other person. Use should quickly end any argument.
  • A shortening of a phrase like "No, I believe that you are the one that {insert previous insult here}".
  • The end-all tool to finish any argument.
  • A quick way to say "You misunderstand. That is not correct. In fact, your claim is actually more applicable to yourself".

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of no u that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
no u:

  • Person 1: You're drooling everywhere.
    Person 2: NO U!

  • no u

  • And into the heavens, he shouted, throwing off the shackles of his accuser, "no u!" and his enemies had fallen.

  • Lawyer: no u. And with that, the defense rests its case.
    Judge: Well, case dismissed. Good job, council.

  • "I'm sorry, but the mass may be malignant."
    "no... u".


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I Hope You Understand What I Mean



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