What does Jabroni mean?

A slang term that usually refers to a person who is overly confident, and is actually unskillful.


Other definitions of Jabroni:

  • A term for a jobber, which is a wrestler who loses matches. Popularized by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, as he would apply it to his opponents.
  • A slang term for a destined loser that evolved from other terms in American professional wrestling.
  • Someone who talks a lot of game, but can rarely back it up. These braggarts often do not know how doomed they are.

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How to use the term

  • Look here, Jabroni: I'm about to end you.

  • Keep talking, Jabroni. I'll see you in the match.

  • Don't be such a jabroni. It's going to look so bad if you lose the game.


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