What does Absolute Unit mean?

A reference to something that is so large and in charge, there's nothing you can compare it to.

Absolute Unit

Other definitions of Absolute Unit:

  • A very shockingly large thing. Absolute is a lad-culture term for "total". The term started in 2017 on Twitter.
  • A descriptive term that is applied when something is so large, it's immensity is the only thing you can use to define it.
  • A term for any living thing or character that is extremely big and corpulent.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Absolute Unit that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
Absolute Unit:

  • Look at this lad. Absolute unit!

  • Oh my! You've grown into an absolute unit.

  • That dog is an absolute unit. Biggest one here.


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