What does Grifter mean?

A slang term for someone who uses dishonest methods to obtain money. These can include swindles, frauds, or unfair gambling tactics, much like a conman.


Other definitions of Grifter:

  • Somebody who cons others for their own personal gain. Some people indicate this specific term means the con is very high level and is precisely planned, so that the person being tricked will not understand until it's much too late.
  • A person who engages in petty swindling crimes, where the victims are caught unaware.
  • An insult term for somebody who has to lie and cheat to get their way or make their money, usually by taking advantage of somebody else.
  • From the term grift, which began seeing use in the early 1900s, this name indicates someone who uses cons or lies to achieve their goals.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Grifter that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • He's just a grifter who taking advantage on the uneducated to get his way and line his pockets. Gross.

  • As they sat in their cells, wondering just happened, they had to ask themselves: was he a grifter?

  • Don't trust that grifter. They just want your money.

  • They thought they were grifting us, but we grifted them. We're the grifters now.

  • Some say I'm a lucky grifter;
    Some say, I'm the king.


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