What does Pause mean?

A slang interjection that is used to negate the sexual connotations of a previously made comment. Often used after accidently saying something that can be interpreted as homosexual.


Other definitions of Pause:

  • Said after saying a statement, that taken at face value, can sound provocative or blue.
  • A response term used when the opportunity to say "no homo" has been missed.
  • A way to call out someone's speech as sounding gay when they haven't said "no homo". Not necessarily homophobic, but more often trying to tease someone for saying some with heavy sexual connotations. Similar to "that's what she said".

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How to use the term

  • Person 1: Yeah, that guys got a lot to swallow, huh...
    Person 2: Pause. What you say?

  • We played with each other all night long...

    Pause. You what with who?

  • Pause. You said something that made me question myself, just there.

  • Pause.

    Okay, well, the best thing we could do is address the issue of homophobia so that no one feels the need to "pause" anymore. It's not necessary to satirize what two humans do with themselves. Accidently saying something that can be interpreted as gay does not make you gay, and always having a radar out for speech so you can call out "pause" suggests you've got something on your own mind.


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