What does Eyebrow Slit mean?

Slang for a shaved gap(s) in the eyebrows for the sake of fashion.

Eyebrow Slit

Other definitions of Eyebrow Slit:

  • Shaving a small line in your eyebrow to appear trendy or tough, as it can appear to be a scar.
  • Shaved lines in eyebrows. Can be an extension of a shaved line in the hairline. Looks cool and trendy.
  • Also known as eyebrow cuts, these small gaps in eyebrows are a fashion trend. Despite much confusion, these do not denote any association with LGBTQ+ culture, though some believe they are an act of cultural appropriation due to certain black hip-hop personalities having them in the 80s.

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How to use the term
Eyebrow Slit:

  • Can you give me a fade and a cool eyebrow slit?

  • Can you make my face tougher, maybe with an eyebrow slit or two?

  • Oh. I'm sorry my eyebrow slit has upset you. I can shave them off.

  • Are the slits in my eyebrows too much?


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