What does Trap mean?

An often derogatory term for a boy or man dressing and passing for a woman. When there is intent to deceive, a trap has been set.


Other definitions of Trap:

  • A term with a crossdressing man who is a convincing woman. The term was popularized in Anime and Manga communities.
  • An area, usually within poor districts of cities, that are considered poverty traps. Common activities involve drug deals, hustling, and gang rivalries.
  • A device or enclosure that is designed to catch or retain. Could also be a person waiting to surprise another.

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How to use the term

  • The worst part of the growing popularity of the use of "trap" in Anime is its misuse and weaponization against transgender individuals.

  • Look at this street corner; we must be in the trap.

  • We've set the trap, and now we just have to wait for that bear to come back to trigger it.


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