What does Goo mean?

A slang term for a feeling of love/warmth, as in "turning into goo". Felt often after a happy hug or similar occasions.

Other definitions of Goo:

  • Slang for any liquid substance, but especially anything viscous or thick. Can describe these substances as "gooey".
  • Can refer to bodily substances, but typically is assigned to ejaculate or "cum", from anyone, including men and women.
  • Another name for cannabis extracts or hash oils, which often have a thick, mutable consistency. Highly potent, featuring a high THC content.
  • May sometimes refer to a common misspelling of the word "good". Used to refer to something positive or happy.

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How to use the term

  • When they give me those good bear hugs, I just goo all over.

  • This goo is so gooey! It looks like honey.

  • You better be ready to give me that goo, lover.

  • She brought over this crazy goo that we dabbed. It was lit.

  • I'm goo to go, dog.


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