What does Douchebag mean?

A vulgar slang term that identifies an obnoxious person who acts entitled and socially inept.


Other definitions of Douchebag:

  • A contemptible person with an overinflated idea of how cool they are. Willing to do anything to further their agendas.
  • A reference to a device used to "clean" the vaginal opening, but the term now refers to someone who is an asshole or jerk. Use dates back to at least 1950, perhaps beginning in WW2.
  • A catch-all term for anyone who features some of the following traits: talks tough without backing it up, thinks only of themselves, lies, constantly trying to one-up competition (or perceived competition), and/or lack of social grace.

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How to use the term

  • Only a complete douchebag would talk about grabbing women like that.

  • The problem with you is that you can't see past that douchebag nose of yours.

  • He has this idea that he's a swinger, but he's just a tool and a douchebag.


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