What does Bruh Moment mean?

A slang term for any moment that elicits the reaction "bruh", an exasperated version of "bro". Usually shows shock, awe, or complete disbelief.

Bruh Moment

Other definitions of Bruh Moment:

  • Describes any even that leaves viewers awestruck and in disbelief, to the point where they utter "bruh" under their breath.
  • When someone does something so crazy, the only reaction that comes to mind is a sigh or "bruh". Prolific in gamer culture.
  • A reaction to any moment where the only reaction you can think of is "bruh", said almost like a sigh.
  • When something so surprising or stupid happens, that you feel compelled to say "dude", "bro", or "bruh".

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How to use the term
Bruh Moment:

  • That was a total bruh moment, huh?

  • I can't believe he made that shot. Bruh moment.

  • When that picture of Ted Cruz getting on the flight to Cancun when Texas was freezing got posted, it was a bruh moment.

  • Is that my teacher? I'm about to have a bruh moment, huh?


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