What does Booty mean?

A slang term for buttocks. Usually refers to a more plump rear, rather than a small or petite one.


Other definitions of Booty:

  • Slang for butt, but especially refers to a thicker, more ideal one. May also be used to refer to a person with a particularly nice butt, which may appear as objectification.
  • The spoils or loot that is a reward after a job. Use such as this has been common since the late 1400s, and originates from Old Norse.
  • May refer to a short boot or shoe, usually for a child or a woman. However, this is most often spelled "bootie".

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How to use the term

  • Look at the booty on them. Wow.

  • Get that booty on the ship. We ARR going to be late.

  • Let me get on your booties and we can go play in the snow.


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