What does YO mean?

A slang greeting interjection that is used to catch someone's attention, like "hey!".


Other definitions of YO:

  • A short slang interjection that is a greeting, like "hey" or "hi". This simple sound is ubiquitous in many languages and has seen use as early as the 1400s.
  • An acronym that means "years old", and is usually used in text or online conversations.
  • A modification of the possessive term "your".
  • An informal greeting or interjection that is often used as a response to a roll call. Rumored to have originated in the 1900s from "guaglione", which referred to a young man in a Neopolitan Italian accent.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of YO that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Yo. What's up?

  • Yo! You're stepping on my feet! Back up!

  • The cabinet in the bottom of the picture is 120 y.o., a true antique.

  • Give me yo jacket. It's mad cold.

  • Yo! We're heading to nonna's for supper.


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