What does Thug Life mean?
A slang phrase popularized in 1990s Southern California by rappers, most prominently Tupac Shakur. Essentially, the phrase indicates a life that has lived through hardships and oppression, but has still succeeded.Other definitions of Thug Life:
- An American hip-hop group consisting of 2Pac, Stretch, Big Syke, Mopreme, Macadoshis, and The Rated R that produced in the early 1990s.
- An acronym meaning "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everyone", popularized by hip-hop artist Tupac Shakur. The phrase indicates that children and their upbringing is extremely important, a major theme Shakur would visit throughout his career.
- A pseudo code of ethics instated in Southern California gang culture that was prolific in the 1990s. Their aim was give the streets and gang violence a loose rulebook to follow.
- Acronym that means "the hate u give little infants fucks everyone" — a code offered by the late rapper Tupac that demonstrates the importance of providing systemic help to families and their children.
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How to use the term
Thug Life:
We out here living the thug life. Get money, get paid.
You listen to Thug Life: Volume 1 by Thug Life? Slaps.
Remember, THUGLIFE. We got to invest in our children; they're our future.
Embracing thug life means no slinging in schools. That ain't right.
Video related to Thug Life
Thug Life - Cradle To The Grave | 2Pac, YouTube
- A Song that mentions "Thug Life."
A 1994 track from Thug Life, featuring prominent members, like the late Tupac Shakur.
In the song, the Thug Life crew speaks on the everyday, lifelong struggle that being born and raised in the ghetto means. The visual demonstrate the school-to-prison pipeline that is looming for many Black Americans.
- Check it Out
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