What does Thigh Gap mean?

Refers to the gap that appears between one's legs when standing with feet together.

Thigh Gap

Other definitions of Thigh Gap:

  • Refers to a gap between someone's thighs, which is determined by various factors including hip width. This gap is rarely an indicator of health or lifestyle, but merely another metric with which the patriarchy categorizes women. Some people like it, some people don't.
  • An upside-down triangle shaped absence of tissues or meat between someone's legs that some people find attractive. Unfortunately, some people develop eating disorders or over-exercise in the attempt to achieve this sometimes unachievable absence.

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How to use the term
Thigh Gap:

  • The "thigh gap" is yet another tool to make us worry about body image.

  • My body just wasn't built for a thigh gap, but I like working out to get stronger, not achieve some unreachable ideal.

  • A dart few right through his thigh gap and hit the wall.


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