What does Squirt mean?

Slang term for the act of female ejaculation of liquids due to stimulus of her genitals.

Other definitions of Squirt:

  • When a woman orgasms (usually due to G-spot stimulation) and sprays an odorless fluid. Doing this not only depends on each individuals body, but specific stimulation and many other variables.
  • The expulsion of vaginal fluids during stimulus. Hard to achieve, and impossible for many.
  • A nickname for a shorter person or child.
  • Any ejection of fluids in a jet from a narrow opening or orifice.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Squirt that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Oh wow. I've never squirted before.

  • She's going to squirt!

  • We had to work at it and exercise patience, but I was able to start squirting under specific circumstances.

  • Hey, squirt, want an ice cream?

  • This geoduck is squirting all over the place!


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