What does SMH mean?

An acronym usually means "shake my head" or "shaking my head". Used to express disappointment or defeat.


Other definitions of SMH:

  • Keyboard shorthand meaning "Shaking my head", as in "that is so idiotic and predictable, I can't even". Often paired with facepalming, the action of placing one's face in their palm.
  • Can mean "Signal Message Handling", a protocol for electronic communications.
  • An acronym for Sarasota Memorial Hospital, located in Florida.
  • Saint Mary's Hall, a private school in Texas.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald, a news publication in Australia.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of SMH that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • I can't believe you just said that. smh

  • My dad asked me to define SMH for him... SMH

  • Did you see that couple getting frisky in the hotel pool? SMH this is why I don't swim on vacation


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