What does Skank mean?

A slang term for someone who is sleazy, trashy, and/or may be promiscuous.


Other definitions of Skank:

  • A derogatory term that is usually directed unhygienic, sleazy, tacky, or loose people, most often women.
  • Another term for a prostitute or whore.
  • A form of dancing that is practiced in ska or Reggae. Originating in the 1950s, the dance involves high-energy, running-man type motions with lots of arm movements.
  • A dirty or repulsive person who is immoral.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Skank that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Once a skank, always a skank. Of course they cheated on me.

  • I'm feeling a very strong skank attitude off of this one. Very intense.

  • Great. Add "skank" to the countless terms to slut-shame a woman with little repercussions.

  • When The Mighty Mighty Bosstones start, we're going out to skank it up.

  • Skanks are lining the street out here. What a miserable neighborhood.


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