What does OK Boomer mean?

A dismissive response to a Baby Boomer who has likely said something insensitive or ignorant.

OK Boomer

Other definitions of OK Boomer:

  • A slang phrase response to any ridiculous thing said by an older generation, typically Baby Boomers.
  • "Okay, Baby Boomer". A quick response to hearing a baby boomer say something dumb.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of OK Boomer that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
OK Boomer:

  • Person 1: In my day, we had to work really hard for our money, unlike you.
    Person 2: OK Boomer.

  • When he said that "All lives matter", we all just said "Ok boomer".

  • You want everyone in line to wait while you fill out your check? Okay boomer.

Video related to OK Boomer


Millennials And Gen Z React To OK Boomer Memes (FBE on YouTube)

  • A Miscellaneous that mentions "OK Boomer."
  • A compilation of younger folks responding to different OK Boomer memes, most of them from TikTok.

  • Check it Out

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