What does Incel mean?

A contraction of the words "involuntarily celibate". Used to refer to a person, usually male, that is so vile and sexist, they turn everyone off.


Other definitions of Incel:

  • Involuntary celibate.
  • Refers to a person who is involuntary celibate. Though the word had well-meaning origins, it now is reserved for one of the internet's most toxic male communities that blame women for their virginity.
  • In-Cel = Involuntary Celibate. Someone who has not chosen to be a virgin, but is off-putting and thus unsuccessful in their quest to remedy that.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Incel that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • That dude is an incel. Gross.

  • You know it's okay to be a virgin, just don't be an incel.

  • Incel started out meaning one thing, but quickly became something much worse.


Reply All Podcast episode on the origin of the term Incel

  • A Miscellaneous that mentions "Incel."
  • A brief podcast on the true origin of the term incel, which a Canadian women started, and it's co-option by a virulent, toxic male community on the internet.

  • Check it Out

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