What does Ight Imma Head Out mean?

A slang saying that signifies when someone has had enough, and is excusing themselves and leaving the situation.

Ight Imma Head Out

Other definitions of Ight Imma Head Out:

  • A way to pardon oneself from a dialogue — either because they understand they'll be in a compromised position, or it is just want an out.
  • An indicative phrase to the awkwardness of the situation you're currently in; the phrase is said while leaving, sometimes with haste.
  • A slang version of "Alright, I'm going to head out" — said when excusing yourself from a scene.
  • A meme phrase that is used to get out of an awkward or tough situation. Often paired with an image of the Nickelodeon character SpongeBob SquarePants getting up from a chair, leaving for the day.

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How to use the term
Ight Imma Head Out:

  • They're about to sing Happy Birthday? Ight, Imma head out.

  • Yikes. I feel an honest speech coming on. ight imma head out

  • Oh, you bought me another drink... ight, imma head out.

  • Ight, Imma Head Out... let me know when you stop your racist tirade.


Know Your Meme page for "Ight Imma Head Out"

  • A Website that mentions "Ight Imma Head Out."
  • An article explaining the origin of the reaction image macro involving the children's cartoon character, and it's explosion on the social media platform Twitter.

  • Check it Out

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