What does Hotwife mean?

Refers to the practice of a married woman pursuing sexual relationships outside of the marriage with the endorsement of her husband.


Other definitions of Hotwife:

  • A wife who has sexual relations with people other than her husband. Often, the husband will encourage and even watch the acts.
  • A practice among married couples in which the wife is open to seek sex partners, often to the satisfaction of the husband.
  • An open relationship, except the husband either does not seek other partners or is not allowed to, while the wife is free to explore her options.

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How to use the term

  • She's my hotwife. I love her.

  • I became a hotwife, and our marriage has become stronger.

  • It turns out that couple I was hanging out with was hotwifing.

  • She was married, but she was a hotwife.

  • He wasn't so much a cuckold, but she was a hotwife.


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