What does FUQ mean?
A modification of the F-word that allows it to be posted against profanity filters.Other definitions of FUQ:
- An intentional misspelling of "fuck" that is allowed to be posted online.
- An acronym for "Frequently Unasked Questions" — these are similar to FAQs, or "Frequently Asked Questions", but attempt to answer questions that people do not ask.
- Shorthand for "fuck". When spaced "Fu Q", it represents "Fuck You".
- The well-known curse word "fuck" in a polite disguise that can avoid language filters on the internet.
All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of FUQ that should be included here, please let us know.
How to use the term
Person 1: Don't forget you have that colonoscopy today.
Person 2: Fuq. I forgot.Dude, fuq that.
We've answered your FAQs, but what about your FUQs?
I'll post however I want! I don't give a fuq.
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An acronym for "That's Where It's At" — a slang expression that loosely indicates something is beneficial or good.
I don't give a d**n
Me Too, Not Yet