What does Freaky mean?

A slang descriptive term for something or someone that is kinky or sexual.


Other definitions of Freaky:

  • A generally positive term for stuff that is sexually promiscuous. Usually used when their vibe is the same as yours, and they want to show off how much they know what you like.
  • Can describe something that is odd or scary.
  • Openly sexual and unafraid of acting sexual.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Freaky that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • They really open up and get freaky with me. I love having someone on my own wavelength.

  • Oh, we get freaky, don't we?

  • Ew. I don't like that. That face is freaky.

  • Get freaky with me, baby.

Video related to Freaky


FREAKY - Official Trailer (HD) | Universal Pictures, YouTube

  • A Movie that mentions "Freaky."
  • A movie trailer for FREAKY, a 2020 comedy-thriller that features a young woman switching bodies with a serial killer. The movie was released on November 13th, 2020.

    The title here is an example of the more conventional use of the term, used to indicate something scary or off-putting.

  • Check it Out

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