What does Fat Ass mean?

A expression to notes somethings largeness or overwhelming weight. Can refer to objects as well as living things.

Fat Ass

Other definitions of Fat Ass:

  • A large person who is obese and/or lazy.
  • A person or animal that is notably overweight, to the point where it changes their life, perhaps disabling them.
  • May refer to a rotund buttocks that some find visually stimulating, though the term may cause offense, as it's other meanings can indicate unhealthiness.

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How to use the term
Fat Ass:

  • I used to be a fat ass, and I internalize that mindset everyday. My life is forever changed by my relationships to food and exercise, but I can only do my best.

  • Pass me that fat ass blunt.

  • That little thing with a fat ass? Lookin' fine.


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