What does Edgelord mean?

Refers to someone who uses ghastly or anarchic language to demonstrate how dangerous, unique, or edgy they are.


Other definitions of Edgelord:

  • A person who is trying to seem really cool by being badass, but probably only looks cringe.
  • A person who believes they are living on the edge, being too cool for school. Often equipped with trench coats, fingerless gloves, and black fedoras.
  • People who employ "edge" to the point of being a lord of it. These people are radically cringey and attempt to prove to everyone, everywhere, they are badass (to no avail).

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How to use the term

  • Please don't invite that guy! He's such an edgelord.

  • Person 1: Life is meaningless, but at least I have these cool knives.
    Person 2: You're being so edgelord.

  • Look at this edgelord over here, trying to impress everyone.


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