What does Cursed Image mean?

Refers to any image that elicits confusion or fear in the viewer. These unsettling photos are usually characterized by troubling content, dark environments, and sometimes slightly comical content.

Cursed Image

Other definitions of Cursed Image:

  • Images that shared online that make the person looking at them to feel cursed: when viewed, they confuse and alarm whoever is looking at them.
  • Often older photos that lack context or explanation. Sometimes scary, sometimes funny, always off-putting.

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How to use the term
Cursed Image:

  • Ew. You're all in here looking at cursed images?

  • Is this weird enough to be a cursed image?

  • Looking at cursed images right before sleeping is not advised.


cursed images Twitter account, Twitter

  • A Website that mentions "Cursed Image."
  • An account on the social media platform Twitter. The account was active during the height of cursed image sharing, and has a long history of unsettling images for users to look through. Viewer beware.

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