What does Cumming mean?

A slang term for having an orgasm or achieving sexual climax.


Other definitions of Cumming:

  • Refers to the act of producing cum, or reach orgasm through stimulation.
  • Derived from the expression "coming", or approaching sexual climax, which has many similar words in different languages.
  • An extension of the noun "cum" or ejaculate. This is the act of producing "cum". Popularized by the 1970s single "Cum Feel the Noize" by the English rock band Slade.

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How to use the term

  • You keep coming in here, cumming everwhere, and leaving.

  • I'm cumming! Watch out!

  • You make such a sexy face when you're cumming.

  • Is it coming or cumming? Either way, I'm about to pop.


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