What does Creeper mean?
Usually refers to someone who is demonstrating unsettling behavior.Other definitions of Creeper:
- A sneaky stalker who creeps people out.
- Can refer to a hostile monster in the popular video game Minecraft. These enemies run towards the player and explode.
- Someone whose behavior creeps others out, perhaps intentionally.
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How to use the term
Is that a creeper over there in those bushes? Ew.
I caught the creeper trying to look through my window. It was embarrassing.
I just put down my last block and then a creeper came around the corner and blew the whole thing up!
Video related to Creeper
"The Creep" by The Lonely Island Feat. Nicki Minaj & John Waters
- A Song that mentions "Creeper."
A Saturday Night Live digital short by The Lonely Island that shows various creeper type behaviors.
- Check it Out
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