What does Creampie mean?

A slang term for ejaculating inside a sexual partner without protection. Think of the ejaculate as cream, and the partner as pie crust.


Other definitions of Creampie:

  • The act of having unprotected sex, and climaxing without pulling out. Often, especially in pornography, the semen is then displayed in the vagina or anus.
  • Orgasming inside someone without a condom.
  • A term referring to the often fetishized sexual act of coming inside a partner's vagina or anus and leaving the discharge inside.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Creampie that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • No creampie for us. We're not trying for children here.

  • My partner gave me permission to creampie.

  • After this creampie, let's get some cream pie.


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