What does Conservative mean?

A slang term that indicates the tendencies of members of the Republican party, who are disposed to preserving existing conditions and limiting change.

Other definitions of Conservative:

  • Describes something or someone that seeks to prevent change, keeping things traditional or reserved.
  • The political philosophy that is concerned with social stability and traditions, looking for gradual change in laws, rather than radical. Typically, they see less government intervention as a must to meet these goals. Recently, more radical, far-right politicians and voters have moved the political spectrum, meaning traditional conservatism has changed quite a bit as well.

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How to use the term

  • I have been looking for new friends on this Conservative dating site, but some of these people are real looney.

  • Make a conservative guess. Don't expect it to be some radically high or low number, but it is different from last year.

  • Conservatives who accuse others of being unpatriotic while they exercise their rights are pretty gross.


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