What does Bummer mean?

A slang term for a misfortune or bad occasion.


Other definitions of Bummer:

  • An acknowledgement that something has no favorable outcome or agreement.
  • A somewhat dismissive response to a negative outcome. Can be read as sarcastic, so caution must be exercised.
  • Somebody who bums, or borrows/asks for handouts, from others.
  • The aftermath of taking hard drugs and coming down from them. Depending on the amount/type taken, can be slight or disastrous.

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How to use the term

  • What a bummer, dude. Did you lose your wallet?

  • Tonight is going to be a bummer, huh?

  • It would be a bummer if you can't come.

  • I gave that bummer out there a fiver and a cig. Hopefully he backs off.

  • Got plenty of water and candies incase this bummer last as long as last time.


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