What does Boobies mean?

A slang term for a woman's breasts.

Other definitions of Boobies:

  • Another word for breasts or bosom.
  • A slang insult for a dumb or stupid person. Possibly associated with the Spanish "bobo", which means dumb.
  • May refer to the bird, a gannet, that have bright bills and feet.
  • A reference to boobs, or a woman's breasts. While it can refer to any type, the word is often associated with the larger variety.

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How to use the term

  • Ma'am, your boobies are hanging out. I would love to help you with your paperwork though.

  • I hate running without a sports bra. My boobies are a pain.

  • Don't be such a booby. I know you know better.

  • If you look over there, we can see some blue-footed boobies on the coast line.

  • Ah, sweet mammaries. I'll never forget those boobies.


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