What does Bigot mean?

Slang for a prejudiced person who is intolerant of others, their creeds, beliefs, or opinions.

Other definitions of Bigot:

  • Someone who is willingly intolerant of other people's cultures or beliefs. Often very ignorant and opinionated.
  • A catch-all term for somebody who holds negative, often predefined views about certain people.
  • A bigoted person ignorantly rejects people who's cultures they disagree with. Like homophobes, racists, and extremists, these people are often reflected differently in the eyes of history.

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How to use the term

  • Bigots suck.

  • Please don't come in here with that bigoted rhetoric.

  • Seeing a bigot elected to public office is always a slap in the face.

  • Are you sensitive to being called a bigot? I'm not trying to shoehorn you, but if it looks like a duck...


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