Top Slang Terms of 2024

Language evolves rapidly, and each year brings a fresh wave of slang that shapes how we communicate. Here are the top 20 slang terms of 2024, complete with definitions and a brief explanation of their cultural context.

1. Rizz

You can just tell these bandmates are a bunch of rizzlers, especially the mustachioed ones.

Definition: The ability to charm or flirt effectively.

Originating from TikTok, “rizz” gained widespread use as a shorthand for charisma, particularly in romantic or social situations. “He’s got that rizz” means someone has undeniable charm.

2. Goblin Mode

Definition: Embracing chaotic, messy, or unfiltered behavior.

Popularized by memes, “goblin mode” celebrates unapologetic laziness or self-indulgence, often a pushback against hustle culture.

3. Mid

Definition: Mediocre or average.

Originally used in critiques, calling something “mid” signals that it’s unimpressive or fails to stand out. “That movie was so mid” is a common usage.

4. Slaps

Definition: Something exceptionally good or enjoyable.

Mostly used in reference to music, “this song slaps” means it’s a banger. The term has extended to other contexts, like food or experiences.

On the other hand, if you don’t know then you really don’t know.

5. Iykyk

Definition: Acronym for “If you know, you know.”

“Iykyk” implies an insider understanding of something niche, usually shared through social media posts or captions.

6. No Cap

Definition: Telling the truth; being honest.

“No cap” is often paired with statements to emphasize authenticity. For example, “That’s the best pizza spot in town, no cap.”

Mate, I think I’m in a proper situationship with this bird.

7. Situationship

Definition: A romantic relationship without clear labels.

A term born from modern dating dynamics, “situationship” captures the gray area between casual and committed relationships.

8. Cheugy

Definition: Outdated or trying too hard to be trendy.

Often used to describe millennial trends or behaviors, “cheugy” labels things like overly scripted Instagram captions as passé.

He’s got that Gatsby-era drip.

9. Drip

Definition: Stylish or high-quality clothing and accessories.

“Drip” refers to an individual’s fashion sense. Compliments like “Check out that drip” praise someone’s outfit.

10. Bet

Definition: A term of agreement or acknowledgment.

“Bet” is often used to confirm plans or show understanding. For instance, “See you at 7?” “Bet.”

11. Ratioed

Definition: When a reply or comment receives more likes than the original post.

Being “ratioed” on social media often implies that the original statement was unpopular or poorly received.

12. Main Character Energy

Definition: Acting with confidence as if you’re the center of attention.

This term celebrates self-assuredness and individuality, encouraging people to embrace their own narrative.

13. Snack

Definition: A person who is attractive or appealing.

Calling someone a “snack” is a playful way to compliment their looks, often with flirtatious undertones.

14. Hits Different

Definition: Something that feels uniquely impactful or emotional.

Borrowed from song lyrics, “hits different” describes experiences or memories with a distinct emotional resonance.

15. Secure the Bag

Definition: To achieve success or financial gain.

Often used in motivational contexts, “secure the bag” emphasizes the importance of hard work and ambition.

16. Stan

Definition: A devoted fan or supporter.

Derived from Eminem’s song “Stan,” the term is now a mainstream way to express fandom or admiration.

17. Savage

Definition: Bold, unapologetic, or impressive behavior.

“Savage” is often used to praise someone for their fearless or clever actions, as in “That comeback was savage.”

18. Flex

Definition: To show off.

“Flexing” can be both literal and ironic, referring to someone displaying their achievements, possessions, or skills.

19. Deadass

Definition: Completely serious or truthful.

Primarily used in New York slang, “deadass” reinforces sincerity, as in “I’m deadass about going to the gym every day.”

20. Yeet

Definition: To throw something with force or enthusiasm; also an exclamation of excitement.

“Yeet” continues to thrive as a versatile term, whether for expressing joy or describing physical actions, such as “I yeeted the ball across the field.”

Stay tuned for how these terms evolve and influence language further in the year ahead. From casual chats to viral posts, these words are shaping conversations across generations.

Top Millennial Slang of 2020

Slang squad! It’s time for some tea, fam — we’re going all out on another roll-call, and this time we’re focusing on the dankness that is Millennial slang. Recently, we’ve been scoping plenty of sketches and songs that are trying to yeet in this kind of slang left and right, often to great comedic effect. For example, this quick mask PSA video features Paul Rudd showing off some slang skills to blend in with the age group.

We’ll low-key discuss a few terms in the following article, giving you an idea of how to use them and an quick dive into their origin (if possible). All this, and you’ll be able to blend in just like Paul. Many of the following phrases come from social media, and often from several sources, so we’ll do our best. It’s also important to remember that anyone older or younger than our 1980s and 90s gang can throw out these terms too.


To start off, this word is pronounced “bay” and has quite a few meanings and origins. It can be an abbreviation of “babe” that’s exploded in popularity since the mid-2000s in the R&B and hip-hop scene. To some, it’s also an acronym that stands for “Before Anyone Else”. With these two definitions, it’s clear why it’s been used in countless songs as a term of endearment. Another meanings comes from Danish, where the word happens to mean “feces” — for many who find the word irritating (for some reason), they like to point out this translation, trying to indicate all these rappers are calling their lovers poop. These are the most prolific meanings though, so click above to see some more interesting uses.

“Know how I know you’re bae? You’re always down for shrimp cocktails.”



This is a term for a person who is extremely talented within some field. It’s often used to describe athletes who are playing at the peak of their game, who have gone into “beast mode”. A popular 1996 animated series called Beast Wars had transformer-like character that changed into animals, rather than cars, who would enter “beast mode” when it was called for. The football player Marshawn Lynch adopted the nickname Beast Mode during the height of his career in the late 2000s, and the term has stuck around since. You may also hear “Hypebeast”, but this term differs quite a bit (it’s someone who gets hyped for Fashion brands and limited-edition items like sneakers).

“Rapinoe is a beast on the field. Her World Cup games are proof.”


Much like “cool” or “bad” have been transformed to mean radically different things over time, dank has joined the slang lexicon as a word of praise. While it may literally mean cold, dark, moist or musty, it has been adopted by marijuana users and youth culture to describe something as high quality or excellent. This one has been kicking around since the 1980s, but has reentered the public view due to the development of “dank memes” — these often surreal memes feature self-aware, overused, often nonsensical comedic images and have exploded in online popularity.

“Dude, this batch is dank. Where’d you get it?”


While this one’s simple to figure out the origin (family), it’s use is a bit more nuanced. The word is applied to your closest friends and buddies, but not your actual family. It shows you trust and respect them like you would a family member. The term has certainly gained some popularity due to its use in hip-hop over the past two decades, but has been used as an abbreviation for family since at least the 16th century.

“You know I’ve got your back, fam.”

No Cap

Use of this term indicates the speaker is telling the truth. Capping is a slang term originating in the 1940s that means “surpassing someone”. Over time, people caught on that people who bragged about all the capping they did were likely exaggerating, Thus the term transformed to mean lying. Again, this phrase’s popularity is owed to the hip-hop community who use the term excessively to ensure that everyone knows they’re not exaggerating their claims. This stands out as one of the coolest ways to elaborate that you’re telling the truth.

“For real, he sat down and ate the whole thing. No cap.”

Slide into the DMs

This is a reference to Direct Messaging (DM). On various social media platforms with the feature, like Twitter or Instagram, it’s a convenient feature that allows private conversations with a person. The sliding going on here implies that the conversation is moving from a public post into this private tête-à-tête, and this is most often done in the pursuit of sex. That’s right: when you hear this, it’s most likely describing a suave maneuver aiming to foster a relationship and hopefully it’s smooth. However, if you’re doing this and it’s unwarranted or unwanted, knock it off, you creep. Read the room and don’t harass others, but sometimes, it might be worth a shot.

They’re the biggest creep. They always try to slide into the DMs.


A moniker for an obsessed fan. This term comes from Eminem’s song of the same name that was released in 2000. The song is written to Eminem from a fan named Stan who is very obsessed and troubled, to the point where he’s putting himself and others in danger. Yikes. The song featuring sing Dido was popular at the time of release, winning several awards, and you can check it out here. Twitter later picked up the name and started applying it to the army of fans for different artists who are always finding new ways to show how zealous they really are. While the word can be used as a noun to describe these eager fans, it can also be used as a verb, like “I really stan that.”

Are you a K-pop stan, or just a BTS stan?


A deliberate misspelling of the word thick that denotes something (or someone) is curvy and plump, and usually in a good way. It’s pronounced the same way as “thick” but features the emphasis on the end to really strike with the /k/ sound, like you would with “rekt”. One particular origin story comes from LA gang culture, where -CK can stand for “Crip Killer”, and thus the spelling was changed to describe women without invoking the letters. After awhile of use, the term was noticed in a scene from the 2001 animated series Samurai Jack that feature the villain, Aku, saying the phrase “Extra thick” into a phone. This moment was later meme’d heavily and continued to gain popularity, even spawning an alternative font (funnily enough, it’s called “Extra Thicc”). You can see the Extra Thicc text generator here; it employs various kanji fonts to appropriate English.

I kept feeding my cat, and now she’s accidentally extra thicc.

Vibe Check

The act of checking in on everyone’s vibe or well-being. Getting an idea of the current mood can be useful for plenty of reasons, like ensuring a party is going well, letting others vent their frustrations, or encouraging mental health check-ins. However, the phrase has taken on a darker side, and is now being used as an exclamation before hitting someone in a jocular way. We prefer its use as an atmosphere surveillance announcement, but understand it has an aggressive side as well. Especially during the current pandemic, it can be really thoughtful to pay old friends and family a good vibe check right now.

Let me get a vibe check before we go. Can I get anyone anything?

Yas Queen

This is an encouraging exclamation that’s given to someone you idolize and find worthy of your enthusiastic praise. The phrase originates in the LGBTQ+ community, specifically 1980s ball culture. The term Queen was used as a derogatory word for gay men, but later was co-opted by that group as a term of endearment fit for royalty. The mispronunciation of the word “yes” is just for emphasis here and allows for additional A’s and S’s to really go over the top when you’re really excited. This one has gained quite a bit of popularity recently, and if you’re looking for a more detailed origin story, check out this video from The Scene on the phrase.

You finally got your Master’s program done? YAS QUEEN!


This one’s pretty simple: it can be yelled to show excitement or surprise, often when dancing, but can also be used when throwing something. The term originates from short clips of people dancing, emphasizing their movements with the expression. It really went viral on the social media service Vine, which was active for several years, starting in 2013. Plenty of creative Millennials made comedic 6-second videos on the platform, many of which are filled to brim with good slang. This one stands out as one of the most popular, and here are two vines display it in use.

Wait. This milk carton is empty? YEET!

That’s going to do it for Millennial slang we want to share today, but there is plenty more out there for you to explore. Check out the music video “The Tea” by Danny Gonzalez featuring Alli Fitz that masterfully demonstrates just how much there is. It’s pretty funny, and now you know maybe 20% of what these dang kids are saying.

Share this post if you think you know someone who will get a kick out of it, and make sure you check out some other dank slang on our site. Submit any you know that we’re missing on the homepage, and make sure you like our Facebook page as well. Catch you later, slangers!

Top Slang Terms of 2017

Suh, fam? Today we’re diving deep with some of the most lit terms from 2017. Be warned: some of these terms have been around since before MMXVII, but our experts have made sure to include only words that have either had a revival or are at least relevant to current slang-biosphere. On this year of the rooster, make sure you prepare your vocab to stay trending and keep it fresh AF. So handle these #2017slang, Team Internet, with care.


Overboard, over the top, or excessive. The origin of this one is self-explanatory, but we here at believe you should be prepared, especially if you’re being the extra one. The word almost exclusively has negative connotations, despite extra typically meaning above and beyond.

Example: “You need to step out of my face right now. You’re being extra!”


For real. Another byproduct of abbreviation for the sake of typists/texters, this handy dandy initialism is a tool to emphasize a point, notion, or emotion. The word has been on the rise as of late and may continue to pop up as the best way to say really-really.

Example: “Can we order out? I’m hungry, FR.”


Depending on the scenario: drunk, mad, or excited. When referring to drunkenness, the word is a play on filling up with liquids, like you would a car. The other forms are plays on the term stepping on the gas, or revving up the car, to show excitation. Nowadays, the latter forms have come into favor.

Example: “Dude, if you skipped out on leg day, your trainer is gonna be gassed.”

GOAT or G.O.A.T.

Greatest of all time. The first known usage of the term comes from Muhammad Ali’s wife registered G.O.A.T. Inc. as the company to handle their brand. Athletes of all kinds have been using the terminology for many years, and rapper LL Cool J used it as an album title in the year 2000. Only recently did the term re-explode on social media as a way to pay respects to whatever subject you’ve included in the post.

Example: “Jordan would school all of these new kids. #GOAT”

Hundo P

Hundred percent. Used often when starting a certain statement or agreeing with a motion. Related note: hund or hundo/hunde is a word for dog in many languages, including German. Drop the P to say just 100, which is often used when speaking about money.

Example: “You’re sure about this?” “Hundo p.”


Like back, and sometimes follow back (FB). This shorthand started in social media platforms with comment sections, as users would like the post their comment was appearing on, and ask/request/beg for a like in return. Some may see it as useless fluff, but others may see it as scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.

Example: “Your makeup is snatched in this vid. LB for a fellow artist!”


Upset or bitter, often after a loss. Although this term was first used as early as the 1930’s to mean angry or rageful (before this the word was used often for sailors to identify how tough or hardened the saltwater abroad had made them), the word as seen a resurgence in streaming culture, especially in relation to video game streams. Viewers of popular streams will flock to point out how irritated someone seems after a particularly hard upset and the term salty fits perfectly.

Example: “He’s going to be salty after so much bad luck.”


Short for sister; used in place of bro. Any slanger knows how faux pas bro has become, and a way address others with authority now is sis. Handle with care, as some cannot handle being compared to the fairer sex, even if it’s just shorthand.

Example: “What up, sis?” or “Let me handle that for you, sis.”


A very dedicated, to a fault, fan or admirer. Occasionally we see the origin of a word long before it explodes into commonly used slang, and that’s the case here. Eminem’s Stan, released in 2000, features an overzealous fanatic who is obsessed with the songwriter. The track, featuring Dido, is accompanied by a music video in which the crazed fan (Stan) loses his life due to his fixation.

Example: “Look at all these Stans in line for tickets. They’re not even that good!”

A slang aside: As someone with the name Stan, I can tell you: it’s not so bad.


Equivalent to “What’s up?”. It is the extremely shortened and lazy way to say it, which we here at appreciate. “What’s up, dude?” can be turned into “Suh, dew?” to shave off literally fractions of seconds. The phrase was popularized on Vine videos making fun of stoner culture.

Example: “Suh?” “Nothing. Suh?”


“That face when” or “that feel when”. Usually tied to an image or GIF and given some context. With this acronym you can have an picture say a thousand words and maybe earn a few laughs. This phrase/meme likely got its start on a German image board similar to 4chan and was first used to lament not having a girlfriend. Nowadays, the term is used to explain feelings from loss, happiness, and beyond.

Example: “TFW someone misuses slang”



Tuned in, aware, and hopefully acting in response to current affairs, especially in politics. The origin of this term is fairly apparent, as it’s a compression of awoken. As with Neo in the Matrix, a woke individual sees through the parlor tricks of complacency, attempts to be inclusive and inflict change on what they perceive to be unjust.

Example: “You hear her speech? Woke.”

That concludes our current year roll call, and as you can see, the internet and social media have a large influence on what we consider slang. Join us next year for what is sure to be thrilling 2018 romp.

Share this post if you got a kick out of it and if you know any dope slang (or any slang), submit them on the home page. Catch ya later, slangers!

British Slang Terms

Ay-up, ladies and gents: it’s time for a British Slang roll-call! Today we’ll be visiting our neighbors across the pond here at to give you a deep dive into the countries most enticing jargon. Remember to always show respect and not to do terrible accents (unless you’re quite smashing at it, mate). Below you’ll find terms and their origins; with these we hope you don’t even bat an eye when speaking with an English-man/woman, and perhaps even impress them with your Anglophile skills.

All to Pot

Bungled or ruined; messed up. Based on the phrase “gone to pot”. Long ago, when families would finish a meal, they would save scrape and throw it in the pot to save for later meals, usually stews. This was applied to summarized situations where something was of poor quality or like refuse, thus going to the pot. The phrase can be modified as “all to cock” which is the original slang blended with “cocked up”, which also means shambolic.

Example: “Then everyone left the party and it went all to pot” or “The lift has gone all to cock; maybe we can sell it”.

Argy Bargy

A heated argument or confrontation. The term originates from the nineteenth century as a Scottish phrase. Argle is a modified way to say argue, and over time it became a nonsensical rhyme, which can be quite fun to say aloud.

Example: “Looks like the blokes across the street are having a little bit of an argy bargy.”


Literally testicles, but most often used to express contempt, frustration, or annoyance. The word can also be a response to someone talking nonsense or to call out someone who is lying. The many uses do not stop there though, as one can also “bollocks it”, which means to screw something up. Further uses include:

  • Being tired (“I’m bollocksed”)
  • Being drunk (“We were bollocksed last night”)
  • Being hungover (“Be quiet! She’s bollocksed.”)

On top of the many interpretations, it can be spelled in many ways (bolloxed, bollixed, etc.) and can even be used to express pride or showmanship by appending the word dog (the dog’s bollocks). Clever usage makes this quite the Brit-Army knife of the slang world.


British catch-all with profane connotations, including sodomy. The phrase can be used in a myriad of ways and context is everything. The word can be used affectionately tease someone, but also to berate in a more negative tone. The origins of the word are tied to the 13th century Catholic church running a campaign againsts some alleged sexual deviants, using the word as slander. Luckily the word has become more of an all purpose tool. Below are some examples of different uses of this flexible phrase followed by rough translations to give you an idea of its meaning:

“They’re a bugger for footie, aren’t they?” – “They’re really into soccer, huh?”

“Bugger off, mate; we’re having a chat” — “Go away, dude; we’re talking”

“I’m too buggered to go to the pub.” — “I’m too tired to go drink”

A slang aside: A common misconceptions is that King George V’s last words were “Bugger Bognor” (in response to hearing that after he recovered from his illness, they would visit the family resort of Bognor). In actuality his recorded last words were “God damn you.” in response to being given sedative before his doctor intentionally killed him!

Brass Monkey

The full phrase is “cold enough to freeze the balls/tail off a brass monkey”, which is to say it is extremely cold. This one has many origin stories, all seeming plausible, none quite verifiable. We do know that the phrase was popularized around the mid-19th century, and most renowned origination with brass monkeys being containers of some kind for a ship’s cannonballs is false.

Example: “Winter is coming, because it’s brass monkeys out here.”


Delighted or very happy; pleased. Often this word is thrown around in a phrase like “chuffed to bits” or “dead chuffed” to further accentuate the pleasure. Again, context can imply a different emotion though, as chuffed can also mean annoyed or displeased. The root chuff is another British catch all whose origin is similar to “puff” and was used to describe the sound of a steam engine. It’s often used as a more tame way to show excitement or dread in front of young ones.

Example: “My boss was all chuffed about my project; looks like a raise is in my future.”

Hard Cheese

A term for bad or tough luck. This slang has been used since at least the early 19th century and its origin is simple: everyone’s cheese dries out, just like everyone has had some bad luck. Here at, we hope to help you from experiencing this bad luck by teaching Brit lingo, so you can look cool and not ask why someone just said “hard cheese” when you broke some awful news.

Example: “Sorry to hear about the break up. Hard cheese, buddy”.

Knees Up

A lively party or dance. The phrase came from a song titled Knees Up, Mother Brown from the early 1900’s. The song was popular in pubs and typically started with the lines:

Knees up Mother Brown
Knees up Mother Brown
Under the table you must go
Ee-aye, Ee-aye, Ee-aye-oh

and typically had a dance associated with it. Definitely a party starter.

Example: “Shall we dance and make this a proper knees up?”


Displeased or disgusted, and sometimes extremely so. Onomatopoeic in origin, the word is related to mff, an exclamation for annoyance. It may also relate to the German word muffen, which means to sulk. Miff can also mean a small fight or quarrel.

Example: “Then they came in and talked right over me. I was unbelievably miffed.”

Richard the Third

Cockney rhyming slang for turd. The English king has had a Shakespeare played named after him, and in it, he brags of his amorality and quickly rises to power, only to lose it. It is not hard to see how the association of being a piece of… well, you know, came to be.

Example: “Out of the way! Richard the Third coming through!”


Evade work or school, shirk responsibilities. Often said as “skiving off”. Playing hooky, being truant, or procrastinating is how we say it across the pond. Many relate this word to the verb skive, which is to cut away material like into strips or slices, but the true origin formed during the first World War. The French word esquiver means to slink away. The word was used by troops to describe avoiding a fight and the British army borrowed the short-hand, adapting it to skive. Another British slang for this activity is wag off, which means to waste time while at work.

Example: “How about I skive off during lunch? We could see a movie.”

Taking the Piss

To mock or ridicule. The origin of this one is related to *ahem* morning wood. It is speculated that being “piss-proud” in the morning would wake men up, and they would have to go urinate. This relief would deflate the *ahem* morning wood, just as someone’s pride would deflate while teasing them. Another form you might hear is “taking the mickey”.

Example: “Oh don’t worry: he’s a tough guy and we were just taking the piss, is all.”


Nonsense or rubbish. It is theorized that this word is a blend of the words trash and bosh (the Turkish word bosh means nonsensical talk). An older use of the word was to describe the act of finding valuables from inside the sewers (“The young chaps went toshing, and made quite the profit”). Scotland uses the word to describe something very different: neat, clean, or tidy.

Example: “That film was terrible! Absolute tosh.”


Jerk-off, idiot, annoying, poser or generally no good person. Wanking describes the act of *ahem* self stimulation, so a wanker is literally a masterbator, although the word is rarely used to describe the actual act. In the late 19th century, the term whank was used as a bird call in books (“Whank, whank, whank!” the little bird calls). The relation also extends to the word whang, which is a slang for penis. Regardless of its origin, the word has different levels of severity around the globe: the British public ranked it the fourth most severe pejorative in English, while in Australia the word is widely accepted and used on television.

Example: “Don’t be a wanker! Give me a hand here.”

That does it, my fellow teaboos! Keep checking for updates and articles on No countries short-hand is safe.

Share this post if you got a kick out of it and if you know any dope slang (or any slang), submit them on the home page. Catch ya later, slangers!

Marijuana Slang Terms, Part Two

It’s time for more marijuana slang! With all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we want you all equipped with the hip hemp lingo. It appears the part one of the article has made it around the circle, and it’s your turn with the second installment. Remember: read-read-pass, so share this article with another budding smoker (get it?) to fill them in. Below are some common weed related slang words to impress your far-out friends.


Originally this term refers to cannabis derived food or drink concoctions, but is now often used to refer to just the flower itself. Budding from the Indian subcontinent, the process of making edible (and often non-psychotropic) dates back to around 2000 B.C. Today, bhang is mostly sold as beverage products.

Example: “We made out with some bhang, so we got a good deal”.


This term refers to approximately one ounce of pot. The term originated Chicago in the 50’s, when dealers would use old, one ounce tobacco cans filled with weed to make deals.

Example: “Give me a can of that good stuff”.

Cross Faded

To be drunk and high at the same time. When one form of inebriation doesn’t cut it, getting cross faded can get you there. Handle with care though, dear reader, the combination can lead to intense sensations.

Example: “I got cross faded at that party last weekend. I’m still spinning”.


One eighth ounce of weed (which is about three and half grams). Depending on where you’re located, this can be anywhere from $30, upwards to $60.

Example: “My dealer gave me a great deal on an eighth. Let me give you their number.”


Half of an ounce of weed (which is about 14 grams). This can cost anywhere from $120 to $180, depending on how friendly your area is to the lifestyle. True ballers may use the term to a half pound of weed, but you will for sure see a large price jump at those quantities. Most places will understand you’re talking about half an ounce if you ask for a half.

Example: “We could get a half and split it. It’s a good discount at that quantity”.

Left Handed Cigarette

A joint. Obviously, cigarettes don’t have a preference as to which hand they’re held, and this slang rose up in the 1930’s and 40’s as a slick way to refer to reefer from jive talk.

Example: “I’ll pack a left handed cigarette for the outdoor movie tonight”.

Pull ‘N’ Snap

Hash oil or extract with a very particular consistency, which allows it snap when pulled apart. Concentrates can be made runny or solid, but to get this Goldilocks-like equilibrium takes some serious dedication to the process, and likely points to the smokable’s premium origin.

Example: “…and then we had some pull ‘n’ snap and the party really got started.”

Trim Run

Describes the process of making concentrate with the “leftovers” of the cannabis plant (leaves, stems and the smaller nugs of flower) that come after harvesting the larger buds, which are often referred to as trim. The concentrate often closely resembles the extracts made with more premium parts of the plant, but true ents can tell the difference in the batches. The flip side of a trim run is the nug run, where very desirable parts of the plant are used during extraction.

Example: “We’re doing a trim run now that’ll be done in the next day or so”.


Another term for one ounce of ganja. The term originates from the commonly used container to deal weed: the zip-lock bag. Not too much imagination went into this one, but we want you to be prepared if your dealer drops this lingo on you.

Examples: “You want one or two zips?” and “My partner had a zip, so yeah, we had a good time”.

In case you missed it, here’s part one of this reefer madness.

Share this post if you got a kick out of it and if you know any dope slang (or any slang), submit them on the home page. Catch ya later, slangers!

Marijuana Slang Terms, Part One

Pack a bowl, roll a joint and prepare your mind for some Mary Jane related slang. We here at Slang keep a healthy relationship with all herbs and with all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we thought we would explore the vernacular. Now you can finally know what all your stoner friends are saying when you’re passing left at those smoke sessions! Keep reading for part one of a twofer on weed words.

20 Bag

However much weed $20 will buy you. This amount (typically 2 grams or so) can change depending on where you buy it from or the quality of the plant as well. The bag it’s contained in is probably a sandwich bag, but any container will do. It can sometimes be called a 20 sack as well, so don’t let that surprise you during a buy.

Example: “Think I could just get a 20 bag? I get paid next week.”

40 Bag

Similar to the above, a 40 bag is however much ganja $40 will buy (typically 4 grams). Being a convenience culture, bringing two 20 dollar bills to your dealer means no change to count. This can also sometimes be referred to as a 40 sack.

Example: “Pay day! Let’s go get a 40 bag.”


Extract or concentrate that is particularly potent. The THC level in budder can be around 90%, which dwarfs the usual THC content of flower, which is around a paltry 40%. During the extraction process, only premium buds of weed are used (hence the name) and the yield is a thick, dark hash oil concentrate. This stuff is strong, so make sure you do it with a buddy.

Example: “We should get stoned; got any more of that budder from last weekend?”


Smoking some premium content, and in high volume. The phrase originated from the ceremonial smoking practices of Native American culture, which were usually conducted by the chiefs themselves. This term should only be applied to serious smoke sessions of high grade grass.

Example: “You should come over and join us; we’re just chiefing.”


Refers to a usually small dose of cannabis concentrate that is smoked through special devices (dab rigs) to obtain higher highs. Using different methods and solvents, THC and cannabinoids are extracted. The waxy, sticky substance left over is a dab. The practice of smoking dabs is called dabbing, which is often mistaken, comically, with the Atlanta rap inspired dance move that looks like sneezing. We here at Slang assure you that they go hand in hand.

Examples: “My coworker just made some dabs that we could try.” and “We stayed up all night dabbing; it was awesome.”


Someone who smokes marijuana. The term likely references the ents (you remember the giant tree folk from the Lord of the Rings, right?) and was adopted as the friendly moniker for fellow enthusiasts on the 420-friendly sub-Reddit. The term stoner has some negative connotations nowadays, and ent can be used in public without much ridicule.

Examples: “They’re cool; very much an ent.” and “It was a bunch of ents there, so we all just talked about bud the whole time.”


One ounce of chronic. Before every dealer or storefront was using high tech scales to measure out weed fairly, people used everything around them. It’s rumored that jar lids off common household containers could store just about an ounce of flower and were used as an ad hoc computational device. Although not common practice now, lid can still be used to request just one oz.

Example: “I got a lid on me, so we could smoke that.”


One quarter pound of pot, which is 4 ounces. This is a fairly hefty amount of weed. The origin is not hard to nail down for this one, but we do not want you guys out there looking confused when you hear this acronym.

Example: “Me and some friends went in for QP; we’re set for awhile.”


Highest quality MJ extracts, usually made with butane solvents or CO2 extraction. Extract is laid out in large baking pans and hardens like a sugar candy. It is normally translucent to some degree and is broken (or shattered) into prices which are then sold to smoke.

Example: “I scored some shatter yesterday. Who’s down?”

In case you missed it, here’s part two of this weed word write-up.

Share this post if you got a kick out of it and if you know any dope slang (or any slang), submit them on the home page. Catch ya later, slangers!

Slang Terms of the 1980’s

From the election of Ronald Reagan to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 80’s (AKA the Eighties) was an era of popularizing slang. This decade saw the advent of MTV, Valley Girl culture, and TV hits like the Simpsons; of course it’s vernacular was going to explode. Here’s a list of the oddest or most well known terms:

Bag Your Face

Be quiet; shut up; hide your ugly mug. This hurtful term is theorized to have started from Valley Girls who needed another way to tell others to hush. Placing a paper bag with holes in it over one’s face was also to camouflage a less than pleasurable appearance (as popularized by the Unknown Comic in the 70s/80s).

Example: “My crush is coming over later, so either jet or bag your face and don’t embarrass me!”

Bomb Diggity

Awesome; outstanding. A modification of the term “hot diggity dog!” popularized during the 1920’s, combined with “the bomb” (a most excellent thing).

Example: “This burrito is beyond radical, it’s bomb diggity, dude.”


Good or great; of particular excellence. This word made an explosion during the 80’s as a way to describe something (a band, a t-shirt or anything really) as being correctly chosen. Choice has been used to describe agreement with a option for a very long time, but skateboarder culture took the term and expanded it’s usage.

Examples: “This ramen is choice, dude!” or “What do you think of this jacket? Choice?”

Gag Me With a Spoon

Used to show immense disgust. This one came from Valley Girl culture and originated in the mid-70’s, but only took off as common vernacular during the next decade. Gagging with a spoon or any long object was used to induce vomiting, which is common practice with people who have the emotional disorder bulimia nervosa. Bulimia and anorexia were on the rise during these two decades, and frequently seen in younger people. While the origin is quite dark, the phrase is used with some levity and sarcasm.

Example: “Ugh. They’re going to be at the party? Gag me with a spoon!”


Either really great, really terrible, or generally messed up. This one has been heavily debated in the hip hop slang world, and has transitioned from a derogatory (i.e. wack or rude) to a positive compliment (i.e. cool or relaxed). Chopping off the front of “chillin” is another theory of this word’s origin. Context is everything with this term and it shouldn’t be used without some serious know how.

Examples: “This new album is illin’, you have to hear it!” or “That punk was illin’ on me. They better watch themselves.”


Valley girl/boy. The San Fernando Valley culture boom in the 80’s lead to plenty of slang words popping up in “valspeak”. Vals are often thought of shallow or materialistic, but also fun seeking and extroverted. Within their own biosphere, the word was used with admiration to describe a like-minded individual, and could be used positively.

Example: “So many vals go to that school; all were ever going to talk about it shoes and clothes.”

Share this post if you got a kick out of it and if you know any fun eighties baby slang (or any slang), submit them on the home page. Catch ya later, slangers!

Slang Terms of the 1970’s

The 1970s, commonly known as the Seventies, was a decade beginning on January 1st, 1970 and ending on December 31st, 1979.

Many historians have increasingly portrayed the 1970s as a “pivot of change” in world history. In the Western world, the social progressive values that began in the 1960s began to grow, including an increased political awareness and economic liberty of women. In a clear contrast with the communitarianism of the 1960s, Americans began to move toward a new attitude of individualism.


Cool; disgusting. Until the 1970s, the word had been used to describe something as “knotted and rugged.” Later, it was popularized by U.S. surf culture to mean something awesome. Example: “That flesh wound is pretty gnarly.”


Good; excellent or easy. The original French word grané is thought to have been misread and transcribed as grave, the origin of the word “gravy”. Apart from describing a type of sauce, gravy was first used in 1910 to mean “money easily acquired.” Example: “Everything’s just gravy, my man.”

Here’s the Skinny

“Here’s the lowdown.” Although the origins of the phrase are unknown, there are some theories as to how it came about. From World War II to the 1960s, soldiers would write on long, thin sheets that resembled onion skin, thus being known as the “skinny.” Alternately, it has been speculated that it may be a variation or rephrasing of the phrase “to get to the skin of the issue.” Example: “Here’s the skinny: go in, grab the crab, get out.”

It’s Casual

“It’s okay.”; “don’t worry about it.” To be casual is to not be out of the ordinary, often with nothing unusual, serious or eventful happening, and therefore okay. Example: “Sorry about that.” “No worries, it’s casual.”

Jeepers Creepers

An expression of surprise or annoyance. “Jeepers” is an euphemistic alteration of Jesus. Example: “Jeepers creepers! You shot me!”


Awesome; cool. Attributed to surfing culture, apparently from the surfers’ use of “tube” as slang for a hollow, curling wave that is ideal for riding. Example: “That jump was tubular, dude!”

Slang Terms of the 1960’s

The 1960s, commonly known as the Sixties, was a decade beginning on January 1st, 1960 and ending on December 31st, 1969. Although the period officially began in 1960, the “cultural decade” is more loosely defined and is considered to have begun in 1963 with the assassination of John F. Kennedy and ended with the Watergate scandal in 1972.

Also known as the Swinging Sixties, the 1960s was a period of a rise in greater individualism. During this time, the world experienced a fall of social taboos, especially relating to racism and sexism. Several Western nations, including the United States, United Kingdom, France and West Germany began to turn to the political left in the early and mid-1960s. After Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, liberal reforms were passed in the United States under Lyndon B. Johnson, including civil rights for African Americans and healthcare for the poor and elderly.

In the second half of the decade, youth began to rebel against the conservative norms of the time, as well as remove themselves from mainstream liberalism and materialism. This created a “counterculture” that sparked a social revolution throughout much of the Western world, with youth involved in the movement becoming known as hippies. The movement was also marked by the first widespread, socially acceptable use of drugs (including LSD and marijuana) and psychedelic music.


To lose control due to anger or excitement. The word is a combination of “ape” and “shit” and is possibly derived from the tendency of certain primate species to throw feces when extremely agitated or annoyed. Example: “He went apeshit when he saw the state of his car.”


To be drunk, high or generally out of it. The word, shortened from German Blitzkrieg, originally refers to a sudden attack, particularly an air raid (in reference to The Blitz in the United Kingdom). Example: “She came to work completely blitzed yesterday.”


Used in reference to a person or people. During the 1920s, being a cat was much more preferable to being a dude, which usually meant someone who was dull. The term is thought to be connected to jazz musicians of the era, who were said to possess similar qualities to a cat: resourceful, quick on their feet but with a slightly aloof, languid quality. Example: “See all those cats lined up on the street?”

Cop a Feel

To grope someone, often inappropriately. The term is based on the slang definition of “cop”, which means to steal or take something. Example: “He keeps trying to cop a feel with those tiny hands of his.”


Fine or satisfactory; no problem. The origins of “copacetic” are unknown although there are several guesses as to its etymology.

Stephen Goranson suggests that the author Irving Bacheller invented the word for a fictional character with a private vocabulary in his 1919 book A Man for the Ages. He further proposes that the term later became more widely known after its use in the lyrics of a 1920 song, At the New Jump Steady Ball.

Another theory suggests that the word is derived from the Cajun French coup esètique or coupersètique, which means to be capable of being coped with successfully or to be able to cope with anything and everything. It is also old French slang for “final cut”, meaning the point of no return, associated with the blade of the guillotine. Example: “Everything here is just copacetic.”


Often derogatory, a term for an intellectual or studious person. The term reached its peak during the 1950s, when Richard Nixon used it against the Democratic Presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson. The word is an anti-intellectual epithet used to describe people who are considered out of touch with ordinary people or lacking in realism, common sense, sexual interests etc. on account of their intellectual interests. During the 1952 U.S. presidential race, the term “egghead” replaced the more traditional “highbrow” and quickly took on a much sharper tone than the latter. Example: “Those eggheads in Cambridge have no idea what we have to deal with.”


A tattletale; a snitch. The word “narc” is an abbreviation of “narcotics officer.” During the 1960s, drug use was at an all-time high, with a large majority of youth experimenting with hallucinogens such as LSD. Example: “Don’t be a narc, dude.”

Submarine Races

An euphemism for making out (on the beach). The term most likely originated from a joke to take someone out on a date to watch something that was nonexistent or that would be impossible to see, leaving them with no choice but to find other things to do. Example: “Let me take you out Saturday and we can go watch the submarine races.”


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Your internet slang dictionary!

But what exactly is slang? Slang consists of a lexicon of non-standard phrases. Although slang may lessen the amount of text used to convey a message, it does not lessen the implied meaning. Also, slang or internet slang does not necessarily have to be short or even shorter than its implied meaning. In many cases, slang consists of made up words and phrases that you won’t find in the dictionary but have become commonly used and accepted in language. In context, slang can convey anything from a sense of prestige (UT: University of Texas) to a sense of irony (using LOL in response to a serious message).

Beyond all the definitions, how is slang and internet slang used today? SMS (Short Message Service) has made the use of web and tech and internet slang a necessity. From sending a text, adding a tweet on twitter, to posting your status on Facebook; slang has become a part of our daily language. For our purposes, we consider all acronyms and every internet acronym to be slang as well since we want to build the most complete Slang Dictionary on the web!

As the use of technology progresses, so does our desire to quickly convey meaningful messages. The best example of this is our use of abbreviations and acronyms. It is hard to think of a day where you haven’t read TTYL (talk to you later), or OMG (oh my gosh) in a text message. Many sites, apps & programs limit the number of characters you can use when posting or sending a message and so our use of slang, internet slang, acronyms and abbreviations has increased and will continue to increase as the web and smart phones become more ubiquitous.

Developing technologies such as SMS also requires the use of acronyms. As web and tech enthusiasts, here at we use terms like CMS (content management system), and HTML(HyperText Markup Language) on a daily basis. Acronyms like this are also very helpful if you are looking to develop a site of your own. That being said; why would we take the time to create a web slang dictionary? Our goal is to compile a complete list of slang, internet slang & commonly used acronyms and abbreviations used throughout the internet. In doing so, we hope to create a one-stop source for all things slang – the ultimate slang dictionary. So take a look through our trending now slang, or even browse by letter! Don’t see the term you are looking for? Suggest it in our suggest slang section.

A note to our viewers: Through routine maintenance and monitoring of our site we do our best to keep offensive terminology out of our content. We do caution, however, that some slang may be offensive to some viewers. Our images are generated randomly using public domain photo archives and are not always screened before being published. Please let us know if there is an image we should replace.