What does BreadTube mean?
A slang term for an informal group of online content creators that provide educational lectures revolving mostly around left-wing perspectives, from socialism to anarchism. The name comes from Peter Kropotkin's "The Conquest of Bread", a staple of political anarchists literature released in the late 1800s.Other definitions of BreadTube:
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How to use the term
Content creators of BreadTube choose to focus on topics that are also discussed by far-right creators. In this way, they participate in a form of "algorithmic hijacking", potentially reaching an opposing audience who be compelled by their videos.
The Conquest of Bread | Wikipedia
- A Website that mentions "BreadTube."
A Wikipedia entry on "The Conquest of Bread", the literature that BreadTube gets its name.
The anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin released the manual after being released from French Prison. Within the text, he dismantles the ideals of capitalism and argues for mutual aid and communism.
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