What does Watermelon Sugar mean?

This term refers to the Harry Styles song of the same name, Watermelon Sugar. In the song, Styles demonstrates his adoration of the substance and the high he experiences around it. When prompted in multiple interviews, the artist alluded that the song is not about oral sex (as many have assumed), but instead the emotional feeling one experience at the beginning of a new relationship.

Watermelon Sugar

Other definitions of Watermelon Sugar:

  • That amazing feeling you get when you first start seeing someone and first start having sex, according to Harry Styles.
  • A synonym for mutual oral pleasure that originated from the 2019 song "Watermelon Sugar" by Harry Styles.
  • A term for a mysterious substance that is at the center of the 2019 Harry Styles song "Watermelon Sugar". The song is ambiguous, and Styles, when pressed in interviews, has not divulged exactly what it is about.

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How to use the term
Watermelon Sugar:

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Video related to Watermelon Sugar


Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar, YouTube

  • A Song that mentions "Watermelon Sugar."
  • The Harry Styles song which began the discussion about Watermelon Sugar. The song was premiered near the end of 2019 on Saturday Night Live. In the music video, him and several glamorous models eat Watermelon near a beach.

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