What does Wack mean?

A slang term for something that is unsavory or "off". Usually used to expression something is unagreeable.


Other definitions of Wack:

  • An adjective for something that is lame or unbelievable.
  • In Liverpool or Midland English, can be used as a form of address like "buddy" or "pal".
  • Like the original term, "Whacky", this means crazy or dubious.
  • Can mean masturbation, as in "wack off".
  • A descriptive term for something that is bad quality, not what is expected, or acceptable.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Wack that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term

  • Yo. This hotdog is wack. I want my money back.

  • Get his wack ass out of here.

  • G'day, wack. What's for supper?

  • They just locked themselves in their room and wacked off all day.

  • Of what wackness do you speak, my lord?

  • What you're saying is wack. I was never there.


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