What does Tossed Salad mean?

Slang term for a flavorful, healthy side dish consisting of some sort of lettuce, various vegetables and flavor boosters, and a dressing.

Other definitions of Tossed Salad:

  • Slang for the sexual act of licking a partner's anus and the immediate area.
  • To lick or lap up someone's asshole, as a way to sexually pleasure them and yourself.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Tossed Salad that should be included here, please let us know.

How to use the term
Tossed Salad:

  • Can you bring over a tossed salad to tonight's dinner?

  • I'm going to toss your salad after dinner tonight.

  • That guy was so into tossed salad. Either him going to town on me, or vice versa.


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