What does Snaggletooth mean?
A slang term for an irregular tooth/teeth.Other definitions of Snaggletooth:
- Broken or projected teeth. From snag, which means either a concealed difficulty, or a jagged, projecting part of something.
- The fanged face mascot of the English rock band Motörhead.
- The name of a species of fish and shark, known for their abundance of projecting teeth.
- The original name of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character Snagglepuss.
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How to use the term
I'm was always self-conscious about my snaggletooth, but I, and others, have come to love it.
I'll just move to Japan with my snaggle tooth. They think it looks youthful over there, calling it yaeba.
What do you think the Motörhead song Snaggletooth is about? Probably Snaggletooth, their mascot, right?
That creepy fish from Australia is called a Snaggletooth.
Did you know Snagglepuss used to be called Snaggletooth?
Video related to Snaggletooth
Motörhead - Snaggletooth | YouTube
- A Song that mentions "Snaggletooth."
The Motörhead single "Snaggletooth", with art featuring their mascot, Snaggletooth. From their album, No Remorse, produced in 1984.
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