What does Rick Roll mean?

Referring to the act of pranking by sending Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" music video instead of the anticipated website.

Rick Roll

Other definitions of Rick Roll:

  • Tricking someone into clicking a link that sends them to the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley on YouTube. The song has a drum roll intro that is quite recognizable, so person being tricked should instantly know they have been tricked. This video now has over 700 million views due to the prank.
  • The delightful prank of linking Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" on YouTube instead of the warranted link. The person who opens it has been "Rick Rolled".
  • A harmless internet prank that began in the early 2000s. This one involves sending someone a very popular music video called "Never Gonna give you up" on YouTube. This song by Rick Astley was popular when it originally came out over 30 years ago, and has exploded due to the prank.

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How to use the term
Rick Roll:

  • Before you send that, let me send this so I can rick roll.

  • Person 1: Here's that link to that new movie trailer you're excited about.
    Person 2 (after clicking link): Oh, you got me. Rick-rolled.

  • I rick rolled the whole company with a corporate email that they couldn't trace back to me.

Video related to Rick Roll


"Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley

  • A Song that mentions "Rick Roll."
  • A dance-pop song performed by British artist Rick Astley. Originally released in 1987, they song was popular then, but exploded again in 2007 when online forums began pranking with scrupulous links to the video on YouTube.

  • Check it Out

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